Friday, October 20, 2017

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

SCOPE50 Membership Application

As you will have noted in the minutes of the recent SCOPE50 annual Board meeting, it was decided by the Board to create membership categories and to send a membership application to all those on the SCOPE50 e-mail list.
There are four membership categories: 
(1) Legacy Members:  1960s SCOPE Project volunteers and SCLC staff - dues waived
(2) Sustaining Legacy Members:  1960s SCOPE Project volunteers and SCLC staff who pay annual dues of $50 or more
(3) Sustaining Associate Members:  all supporters who pay annual dues of $50 or more
(4) Lifetime Members:  $1,000 one-time donation
Attached is a copy of the membership application.  Please complete the form and return it, along with your check (if applicable), payable to SCOPE50, to:
John Reynolds
773 Spinnaker Beachhouse
Seabrook Island, SC  29455
Please note that all Legacy/Sustaining Legacy members should complete and return the second page of the application.
If you have questions, please do not hesitate to e-mail me or give me a call (843-768-0434).

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Thursday, July 20, 2017

SCOPE50 Annual Board Meeting

Attached are two documents:  (1) Highlights of the SCOPE50 Annual Board meeting held over three days, June 22-24, and (2) the SCOPE50 mission statement which was rewritten during these meetings.  

Within the next day or so, I will be sending you information on categories for SCOPE50 membership as well as an application form for you to complete and return to me.


Saturday, May 13, 2017

Gwen Patton 1943-2017

As you may know, Gwen Patton passed away a couple of days ago.

Gwen was a stalwart warrior of the Alabama Freedom Movement. She started
at the age of 16 working with the Montgomery Improvement Association
(MIA), went on to become a student activist and leader with the Tuskegee
Institute Advancement League (TIAL) a SNCC affiliate, and then continued
to work in Montgomery for many years with SCLC.

We've started an "In Memory" page for her on CRMVet at: Please send me any memories or
tributes you'd like to add to that page.

The SNCC Legacy Project (SLP) also has an "In Memoriam" page for her at:


SCOPE50 May Newsletter

Attached is the SCOPE50 Newsletter for May.


Thursday, February 16, 2017

Re: SCOPE50 Newsletter - February

My email has changed. John Hetlinger is now:  

I hate changing, but what's a guy to do? 

Sent from Jhawker's iPad.

On Feb 15, 2017, at 10:06 AM, John Reynolds <> wrote:

Attached is the most recent SCOPE50 Newsletter 

<SCOPE50 News.Feb2017.docx>

Wednesday, February 15, 2017